Monday, April 12, 2010

Poem Starting with a Line from Norman Dubie (NaPoWriMo 13)

St. Dunstan-in-the-East

His chapel fell into flowers long ago;
the city planted them, repaved the ash

dust, scoured pilasters, placed
benches and a picnic table right there

where the matchstick pews marched
headlong into the bombs.

Next to the climbing ivies, the morning
glories yawn blue and pink, a horseshoe

hung over the door below the cross
to catch its falling graces.

NaPoWriMo 13: Dubie.


Stan Ski said...

Local council knows all the right moves...

SarahJane said...

Nice one. Love the surprise of "yawn."

Unknown said...

I like the contrast of the central couplet compared to the regeneration of the rest.

Anonymous said...

Great response to the prompt. I used the same line.

robkistner said...

Excellent piece Nathan - engaging and thought provoking. …keep the NaPoWriMo 2010 energy flowin’…
Image & Verse

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, beautiful imagery. Expertly done.

Anonymous said...

so. a real place with real flowers, which makes "headlong into the bombs" even stronger.
I do like the falling graces, too.

flaubert said...

Beautiful imagery!

Anonymous said...

a most enjoyable response to the line chosen... poem..